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It is official that in March I will be going to Uganda for a few weeks with a group from my school. The cost is $3,500 and I just paid the $500 deposit which means only $3,000 to go and my first deposit is due on January 19 of $1,250. I pray you come behind me to catch the dreams of my heart and support the redemption God has for me in Africa.

Did you know if 100 people gave $30 that I would be fully funded?
Or here’s another break down: If 2 people gave $250, 5 people gave $100, 10 people gave $50, 20 people gave $30 and 36 people gave $25 I would be fully funded! Thats not saying what you should or need to give, I will receive below or above any of these amounts. (online donations are tax deductible).

Feel free to mail in any donations as well to 353 Castlemere Ct Murfreesboro, TN 37130

I am extremely excited to be going back to Africa. This will be my third time going and I couldn’t be more excited. I am so excited because of God’s redemption and restoration He wants to do in my own heart. Several of you already know that I had a rough 9 months and the last 3 months of my trip, which was in Africa, I felt like I was barely hanging onto hope and faith. To be honest my heart and spirit were crushed with disappointment, confusion, hurt, pain, bitterness and anger. I left Botswana with some deep wounds in my heart. I couldn’t help but be angry with God for not healing Runenge. Why? We went every single day at 5pm to pray, sing, draw in the sand and drink tea with her. We fasted and prayed. We did all we were “supposed to do.” I saw one person healed over the course of those 9 months. I was embarrassed and crippled in faith time and time again after praying in the city in the Philippines. Crowds would come to us for prayer and healing. Nothing. Was it a lack of faith? Were there deeper rooted issues in those people? I don’t know. I don’t have the answers as to why. What I know now is that it is God’s will for everyone to be healed, whole, and sound. On my trip I wasn’t convinced that God could do it. I thought “oh yeah God I know you can, but eh probably not, I don’t have that gift.” WOAH…LIES. God can and will heal. Anyone saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit has the ability to command healing.

Anyway, this isn’t a blog about healing, but then again, maybe it is because thats where much of my disappointment came. But you know what? It wasn’t a healing issue. It was a faith and belief issue and not just for healing…but in God. Here’s one of my favorite passages in scripture: “He did not weaken in faith when he considered the [utter] impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah’s [deadened] womb. No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God, Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.” Romans 4:19-21

WOW!! Take the scripture and apply it to anything your up against, healing, suffering, finances, school, your dreams, etc. Don’t for a second doubt or second guess because of outside sources, logic, reason or circumstances. Get to know God. Get to know His word and His promises. No logic or reason can explain many of God’s promises. Keep pushing through. If you don’t see the promise coming through yet, remind God of His promise. Remind yourself of His promise. “Hey God remember that you said you supply all my needs, that you are near to the brokenhearted, you are the jehovah jireh, my deliverer, my healer. God I don’t feel this right now and everyone and everything is coming up against these truths, but I’m going to choose to believe that you will provide, you will heal, and you will deliver because you said it. You are not a liar. God I thank you.” Hold onto these truths. Father said it, He’ll do it. And the enemy will do all he can to steal, kill and destroy. NO, you better not let him just take things away from you. You know your dreams and the promises God has made both in His word and to you. Don’t let what your eyes see as failure or disappointment or embarrassment keep you back. Push through. Oh how I wish I had this sealed in my heart. I wish I pushed through and said “God I don’t see this healing right now, but I know it’s your will.” Instead I allowed what I saw and did’t see (my experience) to determine my faith rather than the truth and reality of who God is.

That is why I am so thankful for the school of supernatural life. It’s nothing they have taught me or done necessarily. What they have done is point me straight to relationship and friendship with Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Oh I am forever grateful. I am so glad they haven’t done some magical prayer and boom healing. It’s been the Father. The biggest transformation and breakthrough I have received while going to this school has honest to goodness been in the secret place, alone, just me and Jesus. They have simply empowered me and propelled me to Jesus. WOW! Granted, the teachings and prayers have been incredible in school. However, it doesn’t stop there. I could sit and learn and be prayed for all I want, but it’s not until I partner with Holy Spirit to ask Him questions, practice things, renew my mind and do what I’m learning that it means something and sticks.

The transformation that has happened in my life in the past two months have come from doing 2 things: 1)Choosing to renew my mind and take thoughts captive and 2)Sitting in the presence with Jesus, doing absolutely nothing but let Him be God. DANG!

So all of this to say that I am so excited not only for Africa in March, but just the rest of my life beginning today. I’m excited because I’m fully convinced that God is a good God and a good Father and that he is who he says he is and I’m choosing to believe that come hell or high water.

God is so so good!

Peace be with you

Laura Beth Harbin


Laura Beth Harbin

This blog for Laura Beth Harbin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.