
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This is my first blogpost of many. For those who know me know that I love to journal and talk. Therefore, I'll probably do a lot of talking on this blog for the next 20 months (10 months before i leave for the 9 month trip).

I'll spare you all with this post and simply give you some details of what all is happening in the life of LB currently and what is ahead.

I am in the last few weeks of my first semester in college! Holy Cow it has absolutely flown by. As you can imagine it is quite hectic with writing papers and finishing up before finals as well as moving out…again, except this time  I'm moving home. HAHA On top of all of that I am finishing up my last month at my job (YMCA after school counselor) and at the place I volunteer at (Tennessee Baptist Childrens Home). 
For those who do not know…I am currently at UT Chattanooga but will be transferring to MTSU for the upcoming Spring semester in order to save money and be with my family before I head out.

Life always gets overwhelming when I know that one chapter is closing and another one is opening up. But God has never failed and never left my side. He keeps loving me even more in times like these with stress, and sadness of leaving yet excitement for whats ahead. God is so good. Just yesterday a four year old boy at my work looked at me and said "Ms. LB, God never fails us." AMEN!!! It's funny how God teaches me even through a sweet four year old boy.

God is good, even when events say He is not….HE is always good and He never fails.

Thanks for taking the time to keep up with what is going on in my life and for praying alongside me. Please feel free to contact me for any reason.
Also if you look on the left hand side you will see that there is a tab that says "Support Me." You can support me directly through this blog. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting me financially.

Also, I will have a support letter sent out after Thanksgiving!!!

More of Jesus, Less of me.


[email protected]

Laura Beth Harbin

This blog for Laura Beth Harbin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.