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Freedom. Liberty. Alive. Undone. Real. Transparent. FREE.

Because of Jesus I can be completely and utterly free of myself. I desire so desperately to be of nothing so Jesus can be everything! I desire to hold nothing back. To be free in order to be my own self and not some pretty cool person who bases her decisions and happiness off others opinions, emotions or what I think they're thinking. Does this make any since? Jesus gives me permission to be myself. I don't need love, acceptance, affirmation from anyone else because Jesus has already given it all to meif i just RECEIVE!!! That comes off harsh and that doesn't mean I live under a rock and say "mwahaha I don't need you because I have Jesus." I believe we can truly appreciate others and live in genuine community when each individual is free of him or herself…to be themselves, everything they are created to be! 

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence, by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire." 2 peter 1:3-4

"Blessed be the God and Father our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places" Ephesians 1:3

"For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled IN Him who is the head of all rule and authority." Colossians 2:9-10

When will His love for me be enough? When I am abiding in this perfect love and acceptance then I don't have to desire it or have it from anyone else. Any rejection or hatred can't affect my heart when I am free of myself and free of others….because I know who I am, I know who my Father is. I desire to be at this place of abiding in Love…to know and receive how loved I am. I have been given everything. The Fullness of Christ dwells IN me!! We say all the time "the same power that raised Jesus lives in me." WHAT IF we truly believed that? What if Jesus was enough?

"Father break off of me the spirit of comparison, the spirit of people pleasing, and the spirit of jealousy. Jesus, you are enough. Thank you that you died so I can be free of myself and others. Thank you that I am fully loved by Perfect Love. Help me to abide in love. Help me to believe your promises. Help me to LIVE in Freedom. You are good."

One response to “Are You Really Free?”

Laura Beth Harbin

This blog for Laura Beth Harbin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.