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jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus.
Jesus, I am so love with Him. Jesus is my very best friend, lover of my soul and my Daddy!! I am so in love with Him. He never leaves me or lets go of me. He is constantly pouring more and more and more and more love on me! He's pouring it on you too…you just have to open your hands and heart.
I have never been so madly in love with anything or anyone…but I now know what that looks like and feels like…it's Jesus!
He's basically the most compassionate guy I've ever met and he never leaves me so I'm never lonely. He also loves to hold my hand and buy me gifts just because. He puts picstures of me on his Instagram and has my papers on his refrigerator. He always feeds me the best. He lets me talk to him for hours about nothing or whatever's bothering. He also loves to talk to me and tell me what he thinks and what he likes. He loves to sing and dance like a fool wth me and even records it on video for keepsake. Like he is infatuated with me for no reason besides that he just is. And He wants to show you incredible love too!!

You see, I grew up in church hearing about the love of God, yet it was never alluring, never seemed desirable to me because it didnt seem desirbale to the ones teaching me about this love. Therefore, why in the world would I want a love that was talked about yet was never shown or even looked desirable when taught about.  To me the message came across as…i'm an awful sinner saved by grace….but im still an awful sinner and i should obey god and do all these things to get closer to god and his love…not to earn it..but to get more.. That is FALSE!!!! If that is the gospel then I do not want anything to do with it. The gospel is this…yes i WAS a filthy rotten sinner BUT on the cross Jesus KILLED all my sin!!! Mine and yours sin is DEAD! hahaha not only that I was raised with Jesus in New life!!!! Therefore, sin has NO stronghold over me, no dominion over me because it is dead! Jesus killed it on the cross! The only way sin will rule over me is if I choose to allow it to do so. However, I am no longer a sinner. If you have said yes to Jesus you are no longer a sinner. That sinful self is DEAD and you are a brand new person. Jesus in Holy Spirit dwells inside of you! Life, joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, etc….this is who you are now!! You do not have to yield to sin anymore because it is dead! Yield to Holy Spirit insdie of you. You have the fullness of Jesus inside of you!! Out of overflow of love pouring inside of you then you "do things" naturally. ! corinithians 5 talks about being COMPELLED BY LOVE not how awful you are or to get closer or bla bla bla…NO…COMPELLED BY LOVE! compelled by how loved by the Father you are and delighting in His love for you then you cannot help but be His hands and feet…to heal, speak truth into peoples lives, pray for people, help them out, etc…its natural when you're madly in love.
Friends, church, embrace your identity as Beloved SONS AND DAUGHTERS!!! Embrace the fullness of Jesus inside of you! Recieve the ridiculous love Jesus has for you. hahahaha once you recieve it, it becomes ADDICTING!! hahaha it's so good! He's so good! He is love! Stop yielding to sin…its dead. haha Atleast yield to something that is alive…which is JESUS!!

Psalm 16:8-11
"I have set The Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. "

I read this in a new light today and God has continued to reveal to me that when I know and embrace who I am and what He thinks and says about me then everything else will fall right into place. You see, we all claim to know that when God looks at us He sees Jesus. However, don't think we actually believe this. If we did our lives would truly look different. What if we really embraced who are Daddy says we are. Son. Daughter. Beloved. If I believed what Jesus did on the cross is finished then I wouldn't still be caught over the sin issue…it's done and dealt with. I am free from sin and death. I died with Jesus on that cross…more than that I was raised with Him! Therefore, I am now a completely new person. I am no longer bound to depression, anxiety, anger, jealousy, loneliness, fear, Etc. I choose to put those chains back on…but that's just silly when I am free and a daughter and NEW! When I understand that I am fully loved by my Father then all else will fall into place. When I believe and embrace the fullness of Jesus which already dwells in me then nothing can shake me….not death, not fear, not sin, not someone who ruins my trust…nothing because Im fully accepted and rejoiced over by my Daddy! I don't have to seek mans approval anymore because my dads approval of me is enough. I don't have to look for love anywhere else because my dads love for me is enough and he takes me deeper into it daily! I don't have to use drugs, medications, alcohol, cutting, to satisfy me or take away pain or to use as an escape mechanism because Jesus has completely restored and healed me and made me whole. His love is better than life. I guarantee you that when you truly Taste the goodness of god love then you will not ever turn back to the old self. When you taste, which is an experience, gods love then it's impossible to look back because this love is addicting and intoxicating….there's no rehab for this kind of love because its completely dangerous and beyond an addiction and obsession.

You are amazing.

Laura Beth Harbin

This blog for Laura Beth Harbin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.