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What is Christmas? What is Christmas without snow, the winter season, sitting by the fire, christmas music, family, food, gifts, trees and lights? I honestly did not think my Christmas leaned on these things and traditions until it was stripped from me.

Here in the Philippines it is hot and humid, there’s some music playing, but it doesn’t “feel” like christmas. I’ve ignored the fact that it’s the christmas season until I hear certain christmas songs, or people watching christmas movies and opening christmas cards. It’s weird. How can it be christmas when I’m wearing a tank top and shorts, surrounded by Filipino’s, and living with 18-21 year olds? How can it be Christmas with out a ton of lights every where I look and driving by and seeing a christmas tree lit up in every house? How can it be Christmas without my family; smelling sausage balls in the oven, ham roasting, desserts being made, fresh cinnamon and vanilla candles? How can it be Christmas when there are no gifts with my name on it under the tree or my stocking over the fireplace? What is Christmas?

Christmas is not a feeling. Christmas is not lights, trees, gifts, etc. Christmas at its very core is simply…JESUS. Sure, that sounds cliche and we all know that. I even walked around saying “remember the reason for the season.” So, we read the story of Jesus’ birth and pray and maybe even go to the Christmas church service…that’s enough right? And then you can go open your presents and eat all you want. That’s all I did. I didn’t realize how much Christmas had become about everything else BUT Jesus, in my life. Christmas highlighted Santa, lights, music, gifts and even family and then Jesus…oh, yeah, we forgot about Jesus.

Once again, it’s been a painful week or two having what I used to call Christmas stripped away from me. Believe me, I don’t think the lights, trees, music and traditions are bad. But, when they’re stripped away and you realize why we are having a big celebration…it makes you that much more grateful and appreciative for the family traditions and lights and music. Before, they were just little traditions and what not. Now, I can celebrate with great joy because the whole reason I am celebrating is because of this….Christmas is: The Word made flesh. Think about it, really, truly, think about it. The Son of God, became like you and I. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. What powerful words. God came to dwell among us once again just like he did with adam and eve. He came to make us his bride. He came to make us HIS Sons and Daughters. He didn’t just come to “save us.” He came to set us free and make us one with himself. He came into the world as a man, a human being. He showed us that we can overcome because he overcame, we can love because he loves, we can heal because he heals, we can forgive because he forgives, etc, etc.

Jesus was born a baby on earth…FOR YOU. He WANTS YOU. He LOVES YOU. He came for YOU.You were his first thoughts. You were what he dreamed of. This is what makes me want to celebrate all the more. I want to celebrate that my Lover came to make me His own. My Father came to make me his Daughter. My Savior came to set me free. My best friend came to be by my side. This is why we celebrate Christmas. This is Christmas: The word became flesh and dwelt among us. 


2 responses to “What is Christmas?”

  1. Preach it. That’s so good…EMMANUEL is what it’s about. That’s some good soul food right thur. It’s good to here your heart while you’re away. I hope you’re having a very merry Christ celebration Filipino style. Love you, friend.

  2. I hope that you had a FABULOUS Christmas LB!! Praying for you and your squad as you continue to get incredible opportunities in the Philippines. Love you!

Laura Beth Harbin

This blog for Laura Beth Harbin is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.